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Master Chat

Dec 15, 2022 1:00PM—1:30PM

The Women Leading Government (WLG) board will lead a call to help you learn more about how you can become more involved in women leading government, how WLG can help you, what can you do to help WLG.  ZoomLink: Meeting ID: 980 5465 5818 Passcode: MasterChat

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Master Chat

Dec 01, 2022 1:00PM—1:30PM

Do you ever feel like an imposter at work? Are you convinced you aren’t really qualified and could be “found out” at any moment? Do these negative thoughts cause a lack of productivity or stress? Join Jennifer Teal and Rebekka Hosken of Raftelis on Thursday, December 3rd, for a fun interactive session to learn about…

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Master Chat

Nov 17, 2022 1:00PM—1:30PM

If you are feeling time is flying by, feeling drained, and never have a moment to yourself, join Amy Chang, Director of Finance and Administration of San Elijo JPA for a rejuvenating mind clearing session to unwind and be more present.  Amy will facilitate a breathing workshop and discussion on ways to clear your mind.…

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Executive Coaching Call

Nov 10, 2022 10:00AM—11:00AM

This WLG Executive Coaching Call will focus on the topic of working with rogue Councilmembers. To sign up: E-mail Wendy McAuley at 

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Master Chat

Nov 03, 2022 1:00PM—1:30PM

Carlene Saxton, Community Development Director, City of Moorpark will lead a discussion about How to gracefully navigate the passionate community member.  ZoomLink: Meeting ID: 980 5465 5818 Passcode: MasterChat

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Master Chat

Oct 20, 2022 1:00PM—1:30PM

Cristine Alilovich, Assistant City Manager of City of San Rafael will discuss how to make the CM role workable and attractive to up and coming women who want life-work balance. ZoomLink: Meeting ID: 980 5465 5818 Passcode: MasterChat

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Master Chat

Oct 06, 2022 1:00PM—1:30PM

Pat Martel, ICMA West Coast Regional Director, ICMA Past President and Retired City Manager will lead a conversation about resilience.  Everyone who pursues a fulfilling career will eventually encounter challenges that will help define his or her future. Whatever the challenge, embedded in it is an opportunity to build career resiliency. Research suggests that when…

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Executive Coaching Call

Sep 29, 2022 2:00PM—3:00PM

This WLG Executive Coaching Call will focus on the topic of how to communicate the impact of staffing vacancies to Councilmembers and the impacts on their priorities. To sign up: E-mail Wendy McAuley at . 

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Master Chat

Sep 15, 2022 1:00PM—1:30PM

Natalie Basmaciyan, Homeless Coordinator at City of Newport Beach will share information about the City’s homeless outreach and housing success stories. ZoomLink: Meeting ID: 980 5465 5818 Passcode: MasterChat

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Master Chat

Sep 01, 2022 1:00PM—1:30PM

Kimbra McCarthy, City Manager of Mountain View will lead a discussion about the pressure we put on ourselves to do it all (and do it well!).   Kimbra will also discuss taking risks and seeking “harmony” between personal and professional which is more realistic than finding a “balance”. ZoomLink: Meeting ID: 980 5465 5818 Passcode: MasterChat

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