Bonus Master Class – Ethics

Sep 09, 2021 2:00PM—3:00PM



Cost 0.0

Women Leading Government’s Bonus Master Class is the supplement to the monthly Master Class series that was offered during the last 12 months. This session is approximately one-hour long with a 30-40 minute presentation followed by time for Q&A. 

Bringing It All Together:  Ethics Matter!

Every path on your professional journey brings with it the reality that you will encounter an ethical challenge. Successfully meeting the challenge requires you to be grounded in your values, clear about your professional obligations, and have situational awareness, aka you can spot that ethics issue a mile away. Join Martha Perego, ICMA’s Director of Member Services & Ethics, for a conversation about approaches to managing difficult ethical situations in your work.  This is an opportunity to have challenges discussed in a confidential setting. Please come prepared to share your questions or send them in advance to Antonio (or Antonio however you want to handle this).