WLG – Master Class Series (5 of 12) Breaking into Legislative Advocacy and Breaking Down Barriers

Jan 14, 2021 2:00PM—3:00PM



Cost Non-Member $120, Member $100, Student Member $50 (Price includes 12-class series)

Event Contact Amy Chang | Email

Women Leading Government’s Master Class series occurs every second Thursday of the month at 2:00 p.m.  Each session is approximately one-hour long with 30-40 minute presentations followed by time for Q&A.  Monthly sessions will feature a different speaker who will address a variety of subjects, from being a woman leader in Public Works to negotiating your salary.  All of these women will talk about how they survived and thrived in a challenging work environment.  Below is a list of the sessions in the Master Class series.

September 10, 2020
The Courage to Lead – The Time is Now.
Scharrell Jackson kicks off our Master Class series with an inspiring and energetic discussion on how women cannot wait to become their best selves – we are already there! Scharrell will inspire you to make a difference in your life, and in the lives of others around you, as you become an ultimate leader.

October 8, 2020
Marie Knight – The Joseph Factors of Leadership. Join us to hear about how Joseph and his Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat teaches us the leadership characteristics needed to survive in both dire circumstances, and in daily life.

November 12, 2020
Public Works – Surviving and Thriving in a Male-Dominated Field – Sue Hann

December 10, 2020               
Negotiating your Salary – Knowing Your Worth – Valerie Gaeta Philips

January 14, 2021                    
Breaking into Legislative Advocacy and Breaking Down Barriers – Diana Coronado & Cori Takkinen

February 11, 2021                  
Diversity & Inclusion: What it Means for Local Government – Bobbi Porter

March 11, 2021                     
Strategies for Developing and Managing Your Personal Brand – Francine Palmer

April 8, 2021                          
Preparing a Local Tax Initiative – Joy Kummar & Rebekah Kramer

May 13, 2021
A Conversation with Two Mayors – Jennifer Fitzgerald & Lyn Semeta

June 10, 2021
From Activism to Reality – the formation of a Community Choice Energy Program – Beth Vaughan, Cody Hooven, & Nicole Capretz

July 8, 2021                            
The Struggle is Real: How to Survive Local Government as a Young Female Professional

August 12, 2021                     
Should I Stay or Should I Go? – Nicole Lance